There are Pockels Effect and Faraday Effect in BSO crystal, a beam of polarizer light through BSO crystal will be adjusted by electric field and magnetism field. With the character, a new system is designed in this paper for a material Hall coefficient measurement. 硅酸铋(BSO)晶体具有泡克尔斯效应和法拉第磁光效应,通过BSO晶体的偏振光将受电场和磁场的调制,利用这一特性,设计了一种基于BSO晶体传感器的材料霍尔系数测试系统。
The core material is made from Pockels medium, and the cladding and substrate layers are from linear media. 平板波导的芯区材料是由Pockels介质所构成,包层与衬底是相同的线性材料。